Bands named after a member of the band
Tiamat on 08/11/2016
Editor's Award Winner
This quiz has received an Editor's Award for excellent content. Only the most unique and well written quizzes are eligible for this award.
This quiz has received an Editor's Award for excellent content. Only the most unique and well written quizzes are eligible for this award.
This quiz is all about bands or acts named after a specific member or members of that band. Have fun, and thanks for taking my quiz.
Quiz Leaderboard
Player: | Level: | % Correct: | Time to Complete: | |
1 | Cheryljoy52 | 30 | 100.00% | 86.61 seconds |
2 | Mdembs | 160 | 100.00% | 96.54 seconds |
3 | Joneshswn | 206 | 100.00% | 292.87 seconds |
4 | Pktaylor | 136 | 100.00% | 363.19 seconds |
5 | Ghostcastle | 119 | 100.00% | 421.96 seconds |
6 | Jamesantho | 100 | 100.00% | 467.86 seconds |
7 | Dale0555 | 140 | 100.00% | 551.96 seconds |
8 | Gerryg | 222 | 90.00% | 133.54 seconds |
9 | Raginkjun | 175 | 90.00% | 152.45 seconds |
10 | Docrock | 171 | 90.00% | 167.17 seconds |
Comments (3)
Cheryljoy52 (Level: 30.2)
Thu, 11th Aug '16 7:08 PM
Great quiz! Nicely written and VERY deserving of the EA.
well done
great quiz and congrats on the award