Famous Folks and The Folks Who Played Them Part 3
Ladyvol on 07/26/2016
Okay, another movie quiz for your viewing pleasure. This is the third in the series. I will give you a famous person and the name of the film, and you pick the correct actor or actress who played them on screen from the choices I give you. There are a couple of recent films in this list so the years vary from the '50s up to 2016! Have fun, and let's all go to the movies!
Quiz Leaderboard
Player: | Level: | % Correct: | Time to Complete: | |
1 | Crank7 | 98 | 100.00% | 83.55 seconds |
2 | Noirlover | 18 | 100.00% | 104.83 seconds |
3 | Certifiable | 129 | 100.00% | 114.38 seconds |
4 | J7morris | 1 | 100.00% | 126.85 seconds |
5 | Glorianna | 57 | 100.00% | 169.26 seconds |
6 | Kimoira | 191 | 100.00% | 211.99 seconds |
7 | Takethecannoli | 108 | 100.00% | 247.56 seconds |
8 | Dale0555 | 140 | 100.00% | 581.01 seconds |
9 | Cjoachim | 178 | 91.67% | 62.29 seconds |
10 | Andie425 | 100 | 91.67% | 72.57 seconds |
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