Quotes, Nicknames, Slogans & Taglines 24
Maxxseoul on 10/05/2016
Editor's Award Winner
This quiz has received an Editor's Award for excellent content. Only the most unique and well written quizzes are eligible for this award.
This quiz has received an Editor's Award for excellent content. Only the most unique and well written quizzes are eligible for this award.
The 24th, and on we go, another stop on this road show. Where it ends, I do not know, for now I'll let the river flow. A lot to see from past and present, I hope you find it very pleasant. So come on in, and see what's new, I hope you all enjoy the view!
Quiz Leaderboard
Player: | Level: | % Correct: | Time to Complete: | |
1 | Vickib79 | 300 | 100.00% | 70.59 seconds |
2 | Wroadie | 238 | 100.00% | 75.94 seconds |
3 | Klukblazen | 233 | 100.00% | 80.42 seconds |
4 | Larrybus | 313 | 100.00% | 87.51 seconds |
5 | Richards11375 | 225 | 100.00% | 87.63 seconds |
6 | Keitherd | 177 | 100.00% | 88.35 seconds |
7 | Andie425 | 113 | 100.00% | 89.10 seconds |
8 | Speedy1928 | 110 | 100.00% | 90.46 seconds |
9 | Becandphil | 153 | 100.00% | 98.58 seconds |
10 | Abellewrn | 167 | 100.00% | 115.81 seconds |
Comments (5)
Wolfkin (Level: 185.0)
Tue, 28th Feb '17 3:47 AM
Varied by country and culture - a mental stretch!
Great quiz!
Another tough one for me Carl. Congrats on the well deserved
Another tough one for me Carl. Congrats on the well deserved
Congrats on the EA, Carl! Great quiz!