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You are here:  Player Directory  >>  Dale0555  >>  Dale0555 - Player Summary

dale0555 Dale0555

Level 142.1
7,428,373 Points
Ranked #48 of 7,375
Last login 9/10/2016

Bluemnguy gave Dale0555 a high five. Nice one!   (8/30/16)
Bluemnguy gave Dale0555 a high five. Nice one!   (8/19/16)
Bluemnguy gave Dale0555 a high five. Nice one!   (8/1/16)
Bluemnguy gave Dale0555 a high five. Nice one!   (7/17/16)
Bluemnguy gave Dale0555 a high five. Nice one!   (7/11/16)

Player Information
Member Since:   7/18/2008
Real Name:   Dale
Gender:   Male
Current Age:   61
Occupation:   Retired
Location:   central minnesota
Hobbies:   sports,television watching,playing on computer,crossword puzzle solving,playing board games,going to movies,playing cards,reading and attending school events.

Achievements Summary
Answering speed:  10.50 sec.
Showdown victories: 34%
Quizzes taken: 55,917
Sploofactor: 157.57
Avg. quiz rating: 7.903
Rates other quizzes: 8.999

Badges & Awards

Over 40 Weeks Old

Player Profile

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