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annamcc Annamcc

Level 175.7
4,876,297 Points
Ranked #89 of 7,280
Last login 8/9/2016

Player Information
Member Since:   2/15/2008
Real Name:   Anna
Gender:   Female
Current Age:   Older than my teeth.
Location:   Melbourne, Australia
Comments:   I am a retired librarian (or Liberian as we of that ilk are known to our customers) and I am an eclectic reader.
I have been a keen movie-goer since Johnny Weismuller was Tarzan and Robert Taylor was Brad Pitt; I like cricket and my secret vice is my addiction to ice cream.
I know how to make tomato jam, I can reverse my car without looking over my shoulder and I play a mean game of Scrabble. I can also recite the alphabet backwards and bake choc chip cookies.
I have never met an alien, other than the ones who stand next to me in the queue marked "aliens" at international airports.
I have no idea what happened on the grassy knoll in Dallas, but I do know what "Rosebud" means, what goes on behind the green door, and who Joel Cairo and Elspeth Warner are.

Achievements Summary
Answering speed:  10.44 sec.
Showdown victories: 0%
Quizzes taken: 6,389
Sploofactor: 22.01
Avg. quiz rating: 8.027
Rates other quizzes: 8.824

Badges & Awards

Over 40 Weeks Old
Top 50 Quiz Author

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