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garrybl Garrybl

Level 269.2
11,807,975 Points
Ranked #17 of 7,281
Last login 8/10/2016


Madamec8 gave Garrybl a high five. Nice one!   (1/14/16)
Johnbtv gave Garrybl a high five. Nice one!   (12/26/15)
Nanpaulhus just winked at Garrybl   (11/1/15)
Patchee gave Garrybl a high five. Nice one!   (5/17/15)
Salzypat congratulated Garrybl. Good job!   (5/4/15)

Player Information
Member Since:   6/18/2006
Real Name:   Barry
Gender:   Male
Current Age:   58 (is life over?)
Occupation:   writer and talker
Location:   NY NY
Hobbies:   Playing Bridge
Baseball -- Let's go Mets!
Watching TV
Obsessing over Sploofus
Writing -- check out Card Games for Dummies, and "The Jokers in the Deck" out this year, next year, sometime, never...(OK, NEVER)
Comments:   I'm the only person I know who does what they want for a living, and gets paid for it. Lucky me!
That means traveling round the world, talking and writing (now with my wife, who has just retired). Better than being a CPA -- my old job!

Achievements Summary
Answering speed:  8.76 sec.
Showdown victories: 59%
Quizzes taken: 20,572
Sploofactor: 0.06
Avg. quiz rating: 7.842
Rates other quizzes: 8.949

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