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junebbbug Junebbbug

Level 167.9
9,945,082 Points
Ranked #28 of 7,375
Last login 9/10/2016

Sploofus Gold Member

Mulga hugged Junebbbug   (7/31/16)
Mulga hugged Junebbbug   (7/12/16)
Patchee gave Junebbbug a high five. Nice one!   (6/19/16)
Patchee congratulated Junebbbug. Good job!   (6/11/16)
Geophile just winked at Junebbbug   (6/11/16)

Player Information
Member Since:   1/26/2005
Real Name:   Janet
Gender:   Female
Current Age:   50's
Occupation:   freelance writer
Location:   Oregon
Hobbies:   I love amimals and have a houseful.
Comments:   I was born in June so my Mom has always called me "Junebug". I am a public notary.

There was a wise owl sitting in an old oak tree...
The more he saw the less he spoke........
The less he spoke the more he heard........
Why aren't we like that wise old bird........?

Stolen from Wiseoldowl.........

Achievements Summary
Answering speed:  17.49 sec.
Showdown victories: 25%
Quizzes taken: 15,539
Sploofactor: 53.53
Avg. quiz rating: 7.905
Rates other quizzes: 6.735

Badges & Awards

Over 40 Weeks Old

Player Profile

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