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koufax Koufax

Level 194.8
5,791,554 Points
Ranked #70 of 7,512
Last login 10/26/2016


Bluemnguy gave Koufax a high five. Nice one!   (10/16/16)
Bluemnguy helps make Koufax feel better. There there.   (10/3/16)
Bluemnguy gave Koufax a high five. Nice one!   (9/10/16)
Koota gave Koufax a high five. Nice one!   (8/10/16)
Bluemnguy gave Koufax a high five. Nice one!   (6/30/16)

Player Information
Member Since:   3/25/2008
Real Name:   dan fuller
Gender:   Male
Current Age:   old
Occupation:   english professor/college bowl coach
Location:   kent state university
Hobbies:   Collecting:
Jewish sports memorabilia
Italian knives
Single malts
Lots of other stuff

Cooking, food & wine

Playing most sports, NTN, and College Bowl
Comments:   South Dakota
Tulane and USD
Wisconsin (UW)
Ohio (KSU)
(year in Greece)

"Life is a series of missed opportunities."

"Learning stuff is fun."

Achievements Summary
Answering speed:  9.02 sec.
Showdown victories: 54%
Quizzes taken: 23,337
Sploofactor: 109.69
Avg. quiz rating: 8.453
Rates other quizzes: 7.668

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