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raymisra Raymisra

Level 203.5
2,359,419 Points
Ranked #255 of 7,394
Last login 9/14/2016

Rhayader gave Raymisra a high five. Nice one!   (12/8/09)

Player Information
Member Since:   4/1/2006
Real Name:   Ray Misra, in case you hadn't guessed.
Gender:   Male
Current Age:   37
Occupation:   Massage student
Location:   Seattle
Hobbies:   Improv comedy, reading comics, Burning Man, Green politics, cooking, karaoke, naturism, BDSM.
Comments:   "There are two kinds of fools: the kind that says, 'This is old, and therefore good', and the kind that says, 'This is new, and therefore better.'" --Wiliam Ralph Inge

"Ninety percent of everything is crap." --Ted Sturgeon
Contact:   AIM: SamuraiOptician   Yahoo! IM: RayMisra   

Achievements Summary
Answering speed:  9.00 sec.
Showdown victories: 59%
Quizzes taken: 1,146
Sploofactor: 4.19
Avg. quiz rating: 7.794
Rates other quizzes: 7.698

Badges & Awards

Over 40 Weeks Old

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