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surreyman Surreyman

Level 257.2
4,020,529 Points
Ranked #126 of 7,512
Last login 10/27/2016


Bluemnguy gave Surreyman a high five. Nice one!   (9/21/16)
Bluemnguy gave Surreyman a high five. Nice one!   (8/2/16)
Bluemnguy gave Surreyman a high five. Nice one!   (7/25/16)
Bluemnguy gave Surreyman a high five. Nice one!   (7/11/16)
Bluemnguy gave Surreyman a high five. Nice one!   (7/1/16)

Player Information
Member Since:   6/29/2004
Real Name:   Alan
Gender:   Male
Current Age:   75
Occupation:   Retired (ex-writing/publishing)
Location:   Surrey, UK
Hobbies:   Geography, History, Travel (especially Graeco-Roman ruins, castles & deserts, preferably all together!)
Collecting: British Empire antique stamps, antique maps, beer mugs

Comments:   A Norman/Welsh mongrel married to a Cockney/German/Spanish/Irish mongrel. Amazing that our kids got UK passports!

Achievements Summary
Answering speed:  14.13 sec.
Showdown victories: 27%
Quizzes taken: 16,374
Sploofactor: 49.10
Avg. quiz rating: 7.832
Rates other quizzes: 7.514

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