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swiper Swiper

Level 143.9
15,553,140 Points
Ranked #10 of 7,375
Last login 9/10/2016

Geophile helps make Swiper feel better. There there.   (7/21/16)
Dale0555 congratulated Swiper. Good job!   (7/14/16)
Salzypat gave Swiper a high five. Nice one!   (10/27/15)
Gypsylady congratulated Swiper. Good job!   (10/26/15)
Allena congratulated Swiper. Good job!   (10/26/15)

Player Information
Member Since:   3/15/2006
Real Name:   Kelley
Gender:   Female
Location:   Winthrop, (Right Outside Boston) Ma.
Hobbies:   I live by the beach so I like long walks & enjoy riding my bike. I'm lucky that I love where I live and I enjoy my job 95% of the time! The historical city of Boston is just 10 minutes away where there's always something going on! I love to read and enjoy action/thriller movies. Family is very important and I enjoy their company and in them I have many friends!
Comments:   God is in my heart and soul, not in some man-made building I'm supposed to visit on Sunday. He is always with me.
I love my family, my country, Kid Rock and the New York Yankees.
Pain is inevitable, suffering is a choice.

Achievements Summary
Answering speed:  10.49 sec.
Showdown victories: 17%
Quizzes taken: 64,958
Sploofactor: 319.14
Avg. quiz rating: 7.812
Rates other quizzes: 8.809

Badges & Awards

Over 40 Weeks Old
Top 50 Quiz Author

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