Dates - the historical kind
Odysseus on 10/17/2016
Pick the correct occurrence for the date listed in the clue.
Quiz Leaderboard
Player: | Level: | % Correct: | Time to Complete: | |
1 | Allena | 262 | 100.00% | 31.01 seconds |
2 | Gerryg | 235 | 100.00% | 58.06 seconds |
3 | Klukblazen | 233 | 100.00% | 60.28 seconds |
4 | Tmitsss | 249 | 100.00% | 67.40 seconds |
5 | Pdidtriv | 168 | 100.00% | 73.11 seconds |
6 | Richards11375 | 226 | 100.00% | 73.91 seconds |
7 | Bradd | 200 | 100.00% | 74.15 seconds |
8 | Taco24 | 137 | 100.00% | 76.49 seconds |
9 | Koufax | 205 | 100.00% | 82.64 seconds |
10 | Ghostcastle | 134 | 100.00% | 83.03 seconds |
Comments (4)
Johnnycabs (Level: 151.4)
Wed, 19th Oct '16 12:02 PM
Good one
Good trivia
fun quiz
Nixon resigned in 1974